Choosing a proxy | BLB - Big little Business

Choosing a proxy

Expert Support

In all my work and experience with Telegram, I quite often encounter questions from newcomers in this business about proxies.
The questions are quite trivial, where to buy proxies? Which proxies should I choose? How many proxies to take, etc.
Personally, I always want to tell you where to buy normal proxies so that you don't have to explain it to a person and don't make him agonize, but it's not that simple.
Experienced and burned by bitter experience people will never tell you where to buy normal proxies and they will be right, you should not take offense at them or think that they do not want to help you.
The thing is that the more people use the IP proxy pool, the more accounts get spammed.
When an account falls on spammed IPs can start to have problems, such as account ban, worse performance, eternal spamblock, etc.
Because of this, people do not want to share their proxies, because while few people know about them, they can normally work with them.
I hope I have explained why no one tells you where to get proxies. Well, either people who share their proxies are not that experienced.

Let's move on to the next question, concerning which proxies to choose in general.
This is already much more difficult =):D Personally, I tested many different proxies.

- Rotary. The most common type of proxies. Most people who promote in Telegram use them. Why? Because they are the most affordable, the pool of ip seems to be large. But there is one thing, as many people use them, they get banned, spamblocks, etc. When you get to the IP, which was previously spammed, with a greater likelihood you will get a ban on the account. Because of this it is required to look for services with proxies, where in your opinion sits the least number of people.
- Normal IPV6 is not suitable, IPV4 is required. Forget about 1 IP, and even more so about shared. If you get banned on 1 account, the probability of getting banned on all other accounts will increase many times, perhaps even up to 100%.
- Mobile. The price of mobile is much more expensive, but the efficiency in them is already much more. According to my tests mobile proxies do not spam globally, they can be used, but again it is better to choose services that are least known about.
- Datacenter. Similar to mobile proxies, but again it is better to use not popular services.
Now what concerns IP rotation on proxies. Some use rotation on each request, some use rotation by time.
Rotation by request: the chance to get to spammed ip higher, but this method is well suited for auto-registration of accounts. You will not register accounts on 1 ip.
Time rotation: the more you create the effect of a real user to the account, the more effective it works out. But this method requires enough ip for a large number of threads.

About choosing a proxy and linking it to the account. In most cases you need to use Geo Proxy = Geo Account.
On rotational proxies this is rather mandatory. On mobile, I use Geo USA under all accounts.

If you get frequent bans, consider changing proxies. For example, I used to get a perpetual spamblock on new RU accounts on the first invite, if the first invite account didn't get a spamblock, I lived a bit. When changing proxies, managed to avoid this.

In this thread you can publish a list of proxies that should not be used, because their pool of IP has already worked out.

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